vrijdag 14 juni 2019

Lexan gamma

Lexan gamma

The cookie settings on this website are set to allow all cookies to give you the very best experience. Shows reduced color shift after sterilization compared to unstabilized polycarbonate resins. Plexiglas and Lexan are two popular products on the market for those who are looking for durable alternatives to traditional glass.

LEXAN Resin HPSis an amorphous, low flow polycarbonate (PC) grade by SABIC. LEXAN Resin HPSis suitable for processing by injection molding. It also exhibits high optical clarity, excellent creep, and high temperature resistance.

Offers mediumhigh flow, formulation control, good ductility, toughness and clarity.

Change in yellowness index ( YI) of polycarbonate with and without additives after gamma irradiation to a dose of Mrd. While different in many ways, these brand name products fulfill many of the same roles in the marketplace, including safety panes, security windows and skylights. Table I shows the differences ( YI) in YI values measured before and after gamma irradiation. If you continue without changing these settings, you consent to this - but if you want, you can change your settings at any time at the bottom of this page. First off, its important to note that Lexan is a brand name and not the name of the material itself the term Lexan has simply become synonymous with said material in the same way that Band-Aid has for bandages.

Polycarbonate (PC) Polycarbonate, an amorphous polymer, offers a unique combination of toughness with exceptional impact strength.

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Is biocompatible, EtO, steam, e-beam gamma sterilizable and does not contain mold release. Is a biocompatible and EtO, e-beam and gamma sterilizable grade containing higher amount of mold release than HPS1. YI values measured before and after irradiation and then after 1-day storage in dark. All VELUX blinds and shutters are backed by a 3-year guarantee. Anderzijds brengt dit met zich mee dat ieder detail belangrijk is.

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